
This is the place where I'll be posting bits and pieces from here and there (the creative scraps and incomplete works), hopefully documenting my creative journey of self improvement!

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Dragons' Feast (Digital Painting)

My friend had this idea for a painting where he and another friend were dragons and they were, I guess, leering over another friend (not a dragon). It's so long ago, I can't recall the exact pitch. Needless to say, it was some pretty high concept stuff. 

It's actually embarrassing how long this took me to get done. I think this was something that started around the beginning of 2015. Somewhere along the way, my friend wanted to also include an additional person. Naturally, I chose to draw the additional character riding one of the dragons. 

It was a totally bonkers thing that I started and stopped and started over the course of six years. At the start of this year I decided to bite the bullet and just get it done and in February I completed "Dragons' Feast". 

On reflection, I probably bit off more than I could chew. It was mentally and creatively exhausting in some aspects of the process. I will say though, I'm glad I stuck with it and completed it. It's good to develop and maintain the habit of following through with whatever you set out to do, otherwise you end up with a whole lot of unfinished projects that never see the light of day.

Anyhow, this is definitely one of the more bizarre things I've painted in recent memory.

Below is of course the final image, plus a black and white version (pre-colour and finishing details), and some of the key layouts that I developed when planning it out.

Dragons' Feast

Black & White (values only version)


Layout #1

Layout #2

Layout #3

Layout #4 (chosen layout)

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